Unlock Parallax effects for your Elementor Slider with the Dynamic HTML Attributes Repeater

Unlock Elementor's full design potential inside each slisde of your new Slider and enrich it with with Parallax effects powered By Gloo.

Unlock Elementor’s full design potential inside each slisde of your new Slider and enrich it with with Parallax effects powered By Gloo.

Gloo’s Dynamic HTML Attributes Repeater makes accessing Parallax effects extremely easy, it’s as simple as toggling on the Power Slider Parallax option inside your repeater item for the widget or element you want the effect to apply to, provided that the given element is inside a Power Slider slide container, as these effects will kick in as soon as we change the slides on our slider in the frontend once all is set up correctly.

Get started by watching the tutorial!

Watch the Gloo Power Slider Tutorial here


Related Modules

Scope : Extension
Dependencies: Elementor