Autocomplete Address Fields

With Gloo's Form Extensions+'s Autocomplete Address Fields, you can make user data submission quicker and thus steadily raise engagement rates.

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Autocomplete Address Fields suggest street addresses to users as they type their addresses into your form.

Thanks to Google Maps, through Forms Extensions+‘s Autocomplete Address Fields your forms, will suggest addresses as they’re being typed, lowering the probability of mistakes and making data submission more streamlined and more user-friendly.

Easy Set-up

Check out your options by simply visiting your Gloo Settings Page in your Dashboard, and clicking settings next to Forms Extensions+. Once there, Find Autocomplete Address Fields and click settings once again.

You’ll be greeted by a screen with a couple of options. Just insert your Google Maps API Key, disable Google Maps JS if another plugin already makes use of it through the same API, and select which countries you want to offer the service for in the last field.

Not just Elementor Forms.

Thanks to Autocomplete Address Fields’s Input Element Class Name, you can customize a class for the function and assign it to input elements to have the feature work on any form of your choosing.

Dependencies: Elementor Pro

Frequently Asked Questions

Autocomplete Address Fields suggests street addresses to users as they type their addresses into your form, making data submission more streamlined and user-friendly. This lowers the probability of mistakes and ensures that the data submitted is accurate.
Setting up Autocomplete Address Fields in Gloo is easy. You can access the settings by visiting your Gloo Settings Page in your Dashboard and clicking settings next to Forms Extensions+. Then, insert your Google Maps API Key, disable Google Maps JS if necessary, and select the countries you want to offer the service for in the last field.
Yes, it can. Autocomplete Address Fields’s Input Element Class Name feature allows you to customize a class for the function and assign it to input elements to have the feature work on any form of your choosing.

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Autocomplete Address Fields

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Use Autocomplete on any text form field (not just elementor forms)

Add a new form - choose your form field - select the 'Advanced' tab and toggle on the 'Autocomplete address' control
Autocomplete Address for Elementor toggle
the autocomplete address field has a settings page and requires a valid google map api key.
you can get it here :
if you are working with a form that is not based on elementor pro's form you can still use this feature
in the settings page, use the 'input element class name' to select what class should be used to activate the autocomplete field in your form.
Add you custom class to the form field you are using.
That's all.

Quick Tip : you can limit the countries your form field shows the location of. multiple countries may be selected. you can also select to show only regions.

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