The Checkout Anything Form Action turns your Elementor Form into a tool capable of receiving and handling custom orders from any page and for any product, eschewing previously costly and time-consuming solutions.
Not only does this Form Action, once properly set up, allow for checking out any existing product, it also allows for the creation of new product items and to then checkout those as well. This means is that it can effectively be used as a form for donations, or as a custom quote and bidding system. Extremely versatile.
It’s important to note that other Gloo features, like Form Extensions‘ Repeater Field and Custom Post Field, come in extremely handy when customizing your Checkout Anything form. The former to make sure the user can select and order as many products as they may wish, and the latter to make sure they are selecting from exactly the pool of products you desire.
Set your Form Fields as normal, making sure to include at least a field for product selection and one for quantity, and select Checkout Anything as the Action After Submit.
You’ll be greeted by a settings section which will make it possible for you to redirect, on submit, directly to Checkout or to the Cart. Here we can also select the product source choosing from Repeater and Manual, the latter of which we can select if we wish to create a bundle or custom offering.
Should we choose the repeater, make sure to map the Repeater Field ID, the Subfield For Product ID which is the form field we’ve set up previously for the user to select the product in, and the Subfield For Product Quantity just the same way.
We then have an option to set the Quantity manually, or use another Form Field as a Quantity Field, by mapping the Field ID.
We can do the same for Price Form Fields, by toggling on the option and then mapping the ID.
You now have a completely functional form to handle custom orders, bids, donations, offerings and much more.
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