Wysiwyg Field

Finally replace those limited and limiting plain text fields with Wysisyg text editor fields and bring new customization options to your visitors.

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Bye-bye, plain text editors.

By default, Elementor Form fields come with plain text areas to type in. This won’t cut it when it comes to submitting more complex elements such as entirely new posts. Seeing as users can now do just that thanks to Gloo‘s Forms ExtensionsFrontend Post Submission and Editing, the need arises for more complete text editors.

Wysiwyg Field, once enabled, adds a new Field Type by the same name, which will present the end user with a rich text editor for the item it’s been selected for. This rich text editor operates on a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) basis, allowing to preview the final post in the editor itself.

Just select Wysiwyg Field as the Field Type in your Elementor Form, and you’re set. It won’t show in the Elementor editor, but once the page is updated, the new rich text editor will show in the frontend.

complete customization options.

Gloo‘s Forms ExtensionsWysiwyg Field features complete control over the typing and styling options you want your form field to allow the user to select. This is extremely useful to remove options that would otherwise clash with the styling of your web pages. You can, for example, deactivate the ability for the user to justify or align the text if you want the text to be aligned to a default side.

In the Advanced Tab you will find even more options with field plugins such as the Menu Bar, Image Tools and more.

Dependencies: Elementor Pro

Frequently Asked Questions

The Wysiwyg Field is a Field Type added by Gloo’s Forms Extensions that presents users with a rich text editor for the selected item, allowing for the submission of more complex elements such as entirely new posts.
Just select the Wysiwyg Field as the Field Type in your Elementor Form, and the new rich text editor will show in the frontend. Wysiwyg Field operates on a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) basis, allowing you to preview the final post in the editor itself.
Gloo’s Forms Extensions’ Wysiwyg Field features complete control over the typing and styling options you want your form field to allow the user to select. You can also deactivate certain options to remove them if they clash with the styling of your web pages. Additionally, the Advanced Tab offers even more options with field plugins such as the Menu Bar, Image Tools and more.
No, the Wysiwyg Field won’t show in the Elementor editor, but once the page is updated, the new rich text editor will show in the frontend.

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Wysiwyg Field

Forms + Extension - header

Enjoy rich text editors for your forms with the WYSIWYG Form Field

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1. Go to your Gloo Dashboard in your WordPress Admin

2. Toggle on Wysiwyg Field in Forms Extensions+

Toggle on Wysiwyg Field in Forms Extensions+

3. Create a new Form, or click on Edit Form

Create a new Form, or click on Edit Form

4. Add a new Form Field

Add a new Form Field

5. Select Wysiwig as Field Type

Select Wysiwig as Field Type

6. Give your field a label

Give your field a label

7. Customize the Wysiwyg text editor option

8. Click on UPDATE

Click on UPDATE

9. Right click on Preview Changes

Right click on Preview Changes

10. And that’s it!

And that's it!