Color Picker Field

The Color Picker Field, just as it says in the name, is the perfect way to submit color information through an elementor form.

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Submit color information through a form with the color picker field.

The Color Picker Field adds a field to your Elementor Forms from which your users will be able to select colors, thanks to an eyedropper tool, hue and saturation picker, and RGB values for fine control over the needed color.

This simple but very handy feature will allow you to submit color information through a form along with all the other field types and requested After Form Submit Actions.

Integration with other Form extensions.

The Color Picker Field, as with every other SuperGloo Addons Forms Extensions+ modules which are designed to work together with one another, contributes to augmenting the customization options and just how much can be achieved with each of the new fields and form actions.

Use it in conjunction with Checkout Anything Form Action to select colors for the products the user can create and buy directly from the form, or use it with Frontend Post Submission to allow the user to personalize their custom posts with color.

Many more applications are just waiting for your imagination.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Color Picker Field adds a field to your Elementor Forms from which users can select colors through an eyedropper tool, hue and saturation picker, and RGB values for fine control over the needed color.
You can use the Color Picker Field to submit color information through a form along with all other field types and requested After Form Submit Actions. It can also be integrated with other SuperGloo Addons Forms Extensions+ modules, such as Checkout Anything Form Action or Frontend Post Submission.
The Color Picker Field, along with other SuperGloo Addons Forms Extensions+ modules, are designed to work together with one another, contributing to augmenting the customization options and just how much can be achieved with each of the new fields and form actions.

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Color Picker Field

Forms + Extension - header

Color picker allows users to submit colors with your forms.

Add a new form - choose color picker form field type.
Color Picker type select
The color picker field does not require any more work than that.
The easiest solution to let your users submit color preferences for products or make changes to colors of items mapped to the form field.

Works best with other forms extensions: