Select2 Fields

Select2 Fields transform your select box forms field into searchable ones. As easy as toggling it on.

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Select2 Fields will make sure all your form fields that have select boxes in them will become searchable.

Enable Select2‘s jQuery solution to Select Boxes on your Form by toggling Select2 Fields on in your Gloo Plugin Settings page. This will turn all your Form’s selection fields into searchable selection boxes.

This means that the results will autocomplete as the user types and then be selectable, making navigation easy when there’s a need to have the submitter browse many selection options, which can often result in a frustrating user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Select2 Fields is a feature in the Gloo Plugin that enables a jQuery solution to Select Boxes on your Form, turning all your Form’s selection fields into searchable selection boxes.
Select2 Fields makes your form fields with select boxes searchable, allowing users to easily navigate through many selection options by autocompleting and selecting options as they type.
You can enable Select2 Fields by toggling it on in your Gloo Plugin Settings page.